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Now you can craft with me! Check out my latest project here: https://goo.gl/avFJOx F O O D: http://www.youtube.com/ToniEllisonEats I N S T A G R A M: http://instagram.com/toniellison# F A C E B O O K: https://facebook.com/TEEllison T W I T T E R: https://twitter.com/#!/ToniEllison T U M B L R: http://toniellison.tumblr.com S U P P L I E S: http://www.etsy.com/shop/Happette Please subscribe to my other channels! V L O G: http://www.youtube.com/lifewithtoni B E A U T Y: http://www.youtube.com/ToniWears S

miniature 1 12 scale dollhouse toniellison ellison toni

4 سال پیش در آموزشی زمان 05:58 29
0.05 sec, flt: 0 time: 7, count: 11, slow: 0