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Easy and step by step Victoria Sponge Cake recipe with English captions. please like, share and comment on the video and don't forget to subscribe for more videos to come. For more recipes and videos soon I will have my blog on http://www.vidacook.com آموزش کیک اسفنجی ویکتوریا, بسیار ساده و خوش طعم امیدوارم خوشتون بیاد و هر سوال یا نظری دارید لطفا در قسمت کامنت ها بپرسید English captions: Hi dear friends, Today I prepared Victoria Sponge Cake recipe for you. It's a very simple cake and

0.06 sec, flt: 0 time: 9, count: 11, slow: 0