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Simple yet beautiful decoration of cupcakes using buttercream in different colors. you can use your imagination to create more designs. clink the below link to see how to make a professional buttercream: https://youtu.be/EwpsuEwE2oE clink the below link to see how to prepare simple, original yummy cupcakes: https://youtu.be/-saDjdMA1jg Recipe: http://ashpazibasana.com/recipe/professional-buttercream/ You can decorate it with buttercream. clink the below link to see how to make a professiona

لذت آشپزی آشپزی هنر آشپزی

2 سال پیش در آشپزی زمان 06:11 12
0.05 sec, flt: 0 time: 9, count: 11, slow: 0